Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

Seoul National University (SNU)

Agustus 31, 2018 0 Comments

Hello guys, mohon maaf karena saya vakum dan menghilang tak tentu arah selama ini haha. Dan saya kembali lagi dengan sebuah informasi mengenai pendidikan di Korea Selatan, khususnya Perguruan Tinggi ya. Kalau kemarin kita sudah bahas Kyunghee University, Sungkyunkwan University, dan Yonsei University; sesuai judul diatas, kali ini saya mau bahas tentang Seoul National University. Nah guys, universitas yang biasa disingkat SNU ini bukan universitas ecek-ecek loh ya. Slogan nya aja A Tradition of Excellence, Honoring Publik Service, Pioneering Knowledge loh.

Universitas Nasional Seoul adalah sebuah universitas terkemuka di Korea Selatan. Terletak di Seoul, universitas ini didirikan pada 22 Agustus 1946 dengan menggabungkan 10 perguruan tinggi di sekitar wilayah Seoul dan sering dianggap sebagai perguruan tinggi paling prestisius di Korea Selatan. Lebih dari 30.000 mahasiswa belajar di Universitas Nasional Seoul, sementara jumlah staf universitas mencapai 1.900. Mottonya adalah Veritas lux mea (Latin untuk "Kebenaran adalah cahaya saya"). 

Seoul National University honors the ideals of liberal education and aims to teach students a lifelong love of learning that will form the basis for continuous personal growth.
At the same time it is committed to preparing students to work and live in an increasingly competitive global environment. As South Korea's first national university, Seoul National University has a tradition of standing up for democracy and peace on the Korean peninsula.
Graduates have long served as public servants in key positions of the Korean government. In teaching, research, and public service, Seoul National University continues to set the standard of excellence. The mission of Seoul National University in the twenty-first century is to create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future. As Korea's leading research university, Seoul National University is committed to diversifying its student body and faculty, fostering global exchange, and promoting path-breaking research in all fields of knowledge.

Sorry guys karena harus bilingual, because this article is dedicated not just for Indonesian only.
Ya, jadi SNU ini lebih menghargai ide pendidikan yang liberal dan mengajarkan mahasiswa nya untuk mencintai belajar selama seumur hidupnya, dimana hal tersebut yang akan membentuk dasar bagi pertumbuhan diri yang berkelanjutan. Pada saat yang sama berkomitmen untuk mempersiapkan siswa untuk bekerja dan hidup dalam lingkungan global yang semakin kompetitif. Sebagai universitas nasional pertama Korea Selatan, Seoul National University memiliki tradisi berdiri untuk demokrasi dan perdamaian di semenanjung Korea.
Lulusan SNU telah lama menjabat sebagai pegawai negeri di posisi kunci dari pemerintah Korea. Dalam pengajaran, penelitian, dan pelayanan publik, Seoul National University terus menetapkan standar keunggulan. Misi Universitas Nasional Seoul pada abad ke dua puluh satu adalah untuk menciptakan komunitas intelektual yang dinamis di mana siswa dan cendekiawan bergabung bersama dalam membangun masa depan. Sebagai universitas riset terkemuka Korea, Seoul National University berkomitmen untuk melakukan diversifikasi badan mahasiswa dan fakultasnya, membina pertukaran global, dan mempromosikan penelitian terobosan di semua bidang pengetahuan.
Ngeri ga sih ini universitas? Fyi guys, semua orang pasti pengen masuk SNU loh. Tapi bukan berarti universitas yang lain jelek loh ya, semuanya pasti ada plus dan minusnya kok. 
Alumni SNU yang terkenal antara lain :
1. Ban Ki Moon (tau kan beliau siapa?)
2. Lee Soo Man (tau juga kan dia siapa? wkwk)
3. Kim Tae Hee
4. Kim Jeong Hoon
5. Verbal Jint (artis yang duet sama taeyeon di I)
6.  Jung Seung Yeon (eomma nya Daehan Minguk Manse)
dan sisanya adalah orang-orang yang menempati posisi-posisi pemerintahan di Korea.
Nah, untuk selengkapnya bisa langsung intip web resmi SNU disini.

guidebook tersedia dalam bahasa inggris

Perpustakaan Seoul National University

Kamis, 19 April 2018

My Petite Femme [Review Wattpad]

April 19, 2018 1 Comments

Hello all, jadi begini. Meskipun ini bukan update an yang penting-penting amat sih, tapi semoga bermanfaat bagi pecinta wattpad ya. Bagi kalian yang suka cerita romance, wedding, marriage life, dan fanfiction, ada kabar baik nih. Jadi, aku bakal bikin konten khusus tentang Review Jujur  tapi bukan tentang buku, bukan kosmetik, atau sebagainya.. melainkan tentang cerita-cerita di wattpad yang lagi booming. Nah, bagi kalian yang suka bingung mau baca apa gitu.. sekarang bisa mencoba membaca cerita-cerita yang aku review ya. Dengan catatan nih, yang aku review adalah cerita yang menurutku baik, bukan teenlit, dan kebanyakan adalah fiksi metropop. Mmm... fiksi metropop itu kek gimana sih kak? Jadi, Fiksi metropop adalah karya sastra yang mengangkat cerita tentang masyarakat urban menengah yang tinggal di kota-kota besar dengan segala sisi kehidupannya, disajikan dengan gaya bahasa pop. Fiksi jenis ini kebanyakan digemari oleh kalangan pembaca usia muda, karena kalimat yang digunakan mudah dicerna. Dan gaya bahasanya itu 'aku', 'kau', bukan lo -gua ya hehe. 

Kali ini, yang bakal pertama aku review adalah cerita Ma Petite Femme oleh Tan Shine yang tidak lain tidak bukan adalah aku sendiri wkwk (maaf haha). Sebenernya kalau gini sih bukan seperti review tapi lebih ke promosi kali ya. Engga deng, aku cuma berkata jujur tentang cerita yang aku buat kok. Ga lebih ga kurang. Langsung aja deh ya..

Jadi, ini adalah cerita tentang anak kuliahan gitu. Emma Kim dan Dimitri Bouvier. Emma yang keturunan Korea dengan Dimitri yang berdarah murni Perancis. Sebenernya ibunya Emma juga orang Paris sih, jadi dia blasteran. Nah, Emma ini baru ngeh gitu kalau waktu umur 10 tahun dulu dia udah di nikahin sama Dimitri. Setelah itu, orang tua Dimitri cerai dan Dimitri ikut ayahnya pindah ke Amerika. Awalnya sih Emma juga masih tetep di Paris, sebelum orang tuanya meninggal karena kecelakaan dan dia terpaksa dipindahkan ke Korea bersama kakeknya. Karena itulah selama 10 tahun berlalu si Emma sama Dimitri terpisahkan. Pas umur 20 tahun, Emma disuruh ketemu sama Dimitri oleh kakeknya karena suatu alasan. Cerita singkatnya sih begitu. Konfliknya ga terlalu ribet sih sebenernya.Cuman kan karena ini cerita masih on going, jadi ya begitu deh... mending langsung baca aja chingu... (ini sih beneran promote wkwk). Klik disini untuk membaca  MA PETITE FEMME

Terima kasih pembaca, 
Mau tanya-tanya? Silahkan, bisa dm twitter @BouvierShine atau dm wattpad juga pasti dibales kok :)

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

Jurusan di Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea Selatan

Februari 09, 2018 56 Comments
Hallo, kemaren pada banyak yang nanyain soal jurusan S1, S2, dan S3 di SKKU ya? Nah, sekarang bakalan aku share nih. Sebelumnya, aku seneng banget loh ternyata banyak yang pengen kuliah di luar negeri, itu artinya sadar pendidikan masyarakat Indonesia sekarang sudah mulai meningkat dong ya. Ini khusus untuk kalian yang ingin ambil kuliah di Korea terutama untuk Sungkyunkwan University sendiri. Yuk langsung aja deh ya..

Program Bachelor's (S1)
Admission Information
Enrolment Period : March, September of every year
Application Period : May - June, October - November
Period of study : 4 years
Note :
1. Nationality Requirements
International students whose both parents are foreign national.
(Non-Korean nationality)
- For Taiwanese nationals, at least one of parents must be a foreign national (valid until 2018 academic year)
- Student with dual nationality is not eligible
- If an applicant or parent abandons their Korean citizenship, the applicant must submit proof of denationalization(loss of nationality)
- If an applicant is legally a family with only one parent(divorce, death), the nationality of the corresponding parent shall be considered for the application qualification. (It should be proven by a government document)
2. Academic Requirements
Applicants must meet one of the following conditions:
1) Graduated from high school or expected to graduate in February, 2017
2) Have high school graduate equivalency approved by an authorized organization

Information of Department
17170 Dance
17171 Fine Arts
17173 Theatre
17175 Design
17180 Fashion Design
17181 Film, Television & Multimedia
17184 Fine Arts
17186 Business Administration
17187 Global Business Administration
17192 Global Economics
17193 Economics
17194 Statistics
17221 Architecture
17223 Systems Management Engineering
17224 Landscape Architecture
17227 Chemical Engineering
17228 Polymer Science and Engineering
17229 Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering
17230 Mechanical Engineering
17231 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering
17252 Department of Korean Language and Literature
17253 Department of German Language and Literature
17254 Department of Russian Language and Literature
17255 Department of Library and Information Science
17256 Department of History
17257 Department of English Language and Literature
17258 Department of Chinese Language and Literature
17259 Department of Philosophy
17260 Department of French Language and Literature
17261Department of Korean Literature in Classical Chinese
17273 Social Welfare
17274 Sociology
17275 Consumer & Family Science
17276 Journalism and Mass Communications
17277 Psychology
17278 Child Psychology & Education
17279 Political Science and Diplomacy
17280 Public Administration
17294 Global Leader
17298 Bio-Mechatronics Engineering
17299 Food and Life Science
17300 Genetic Engineering
17305 Confucian and Oriental Studies
17308 Physics
17309 Life Science
17310 Mathematics
17311 Chemistry
17328 Semiconductor Systems Engineering
17329 Electronic & Electrical Engineering
17335 Education
17338 Classical Chinese Education
17339 Mathematics Education
17340 Computer Education
17341 Sport Science
17343 Pharmacy
17347 Computer Science and Engineering
17348 Software
17349 Global Biomedical Engineering

Program Master's (S2)
Admission Information
Enrolment Period : March, September of every year
Application Period : May - October
Period of study : 2 years
Note :
A. Degree
(1) Master / Combined Master & Doctorate course applicants
① Master''s course applicants: Those who have earned a Bachelor''s degree.
② Those who are expected to earn a Bachelor''s degree before starting their study in SKKU

(2) Doctoral course applicants
① Those who have earned a Master''s degree.
② Those who are expected to earn a Master''s degree before starting their study in SKKU

B. Qualification for applicants
(1) Those who both applicants and their parents have foreign citizenship.
(2) Applicants with foreign citizenship and have completed entire education courses(elementary, junior high, high school, and university) outside of Korea.
(3) Applicants who are citizens of Korea and have completed entire education courses(elementary, junior high, high school, and university) outside of Korea.
(4) Applicants who are the new settlers from North Korea.

※ Please visit the below website for admissions guide and more detalied information.
※ http://admission-global.skku.edu

Information of Department
17172 Dance
17176 Fashion Design
17177 Design
17182 Film, Television & Multimedia
17183 Fine Arts
17185 Acting for Theatre, Film, and TV
17188 Actuarial Science
17191 GSB
17195 Economics
17196 Statistics
17199 International Trade
17204 Chemical Engineering
17205 Advanced Materials Science & Engineering
17206 Architecture
17207 Landscape Architecture
17208 Industrial Engineering
17210 Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering
17211 Nano Science and Technology
17222 Polymer Science & Engineering
17225 Mechanical Engineering
17226 Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering
17262 Department of Korean Language and Literature
17263 Department of German Language and Literature
17264 Department of Russian Language and Literature
17265 Department of Library and Information Science
17266 Department of History
17267 Department of English Language and Literature
17268 Department of Chinese Language and Literature
17269 Department of Philosophy
17270 Department of French Language and Literature
17271 Department of Korean Literature in Classical Chinese
17272 East Asian Studies
17281 Political Science and Diplomacy
17282 Journalism and Mass Communications
17283 Sociology
17284 Social Welfare
17286 Consumer & Family Science
17289 Psychology
17291 Child Psychology & Education
17295 Human Resource Development
17301 Eastern Philosophy
17302 Eastern Philosophy
17304 Confucian and Oriental Studies
17312 Life Science
17314 Mathematics
17316 Physics
17318 Chemistry
17320 Biotechnology & Bioengineering
17330 Human ICT
17331 Interaction Science
17334 Law
17336 Education
17342 Sport Science
17344 Pharmacy
17345 Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences
17350 Energy Science
17351 Global Biomedical engineering

Program Doctorate (S3)
Admission Information
Enrolment Period : March, September of every year
Application Period : May - October
Period of study : 2 years
Note :
A. Degree(Applicants must meet one of the conditions below)
(1) Master / Combined Master’s & Doctorate course applicants
① Those who have earned a Bachelor's degree
② Those who are expected to earn a Bachelor's degree by February 2017
(2) Doctoral course applicants
① Those who have earned a Master's degree
② Those who are expected to earn a Master's degree by February 2017
※ Chinese Language and Literature: Those who has had a Master’s degree thesis, he/she should submit his/her Master’s thesis.

B. Nationality (Applicants must meet one of the conditions below)
(1) Those who have foreign citizenship and who have parents that also do
(2) Applicants with foreign citizenship and have completed entire education courses
(elementary, junior high, high school, and university) outside of Korea
(3) Applicants who are citizens of Korea and have completed entire education courses
(elementary, junior high, high school, and university) outside of Korea
(4) Applicants who are new settlers from North Korea

Information of Department
17174 Fashion Design
17178 Design
17179 Dance
17197 Economics
17198 Statistics
17200 International Trade
17209 Polymer Science & Engineering
17212 Civil and Environmental Engineering
17213 Architecture
17214 Mechanical Engineering
17215 Nano Science and Technology
17216 Industrial Engineering
17217 Advanced Materials Science & Engineering
17218 Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering
17219 Landscape Architecture
17220 Chemical Engineering
17243 Department of Korean Language and Literature
17244 Department of English Language and Literature
17245 Department of French Language and Literature
17246 Department of Chinese Language and Literature
17247 Department of German Language and Literature
17248 Department of Korean Literature in Classical Chinese
17249 Department of History
17250 Department of Philosophy
17251 Department of Library and Information Science
17285 Sociology
17287 Consumer & Family Science
17288 Journalism and Mass Communications
17290 Psychology
17292 Child Psychology & Education
17293 Political Science and Diplomacy
17296 Human Resource Development
17303 Confucian and Oriental Studies
17306 Eastern Philosophy
17313 Life Science
17315 Mathematics
17317 Physics
17319 Chemistry
17321 Biotechnology & Bioengineering
17322 Energy Science
17337 Education
17346 Interaction Science


Gimana? jurusan tujuan mu ada ga? Nah, kalo jurusan yang kamu pengenin gada jangan kecewa dulu. Masih ada universitas keren lainnya selain SKKU kok. Nanti bakal di share yak. Ikutin terus blog aku yak hehe. Untuk seputar Beasiswa dan Persyaratan juga nanti bakla di share. Tunggu aja oke. Makasih semuanya~